Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer Blues

As y'all probably know by now, it's summer! Summer is a great season for lots of reasons. Firstly, there's the sweet tea and shining sun. Secondly, there's no school and lots of fun activities to do! Finally, there's the clothes. Summer fashion is great because you can finally bring out all of those beautiful colors and cool shades. In the outfit below, I am wearing mostly H&M clothing, with blue floral jeans for $20 and an exquisite blue tank top for $25. The tree of life necklace is simply a $5 charm from Walmart attached to a chain. I paired this summer outfit with a side braid, shades, and sandals. Brown accessories look great with blue! 
Post in the comments below what your favorite summer activity and summer clothing piece is. Enjoy the sunshine!! :D

The Butterfly Bun

This hairdo works very well for long hair of any color or texture. I love doing this hairstyle when I don't have much time or when I'm just tired of wearing my hair down, in general. 
1. Brush all of your hair back and hold it in your hand as if you were going to make it into a ponytail. Don't tie it! 
2. Instead of tying it, slowly begin to twist it until it becomes tight enough to clump into itself. 
3. Once you have twisted it tight enough, begin to swirl it around until it looks like the bun below. It will likely look much like a sock bun, except a little messier.
4. At the center of the bun, there should be a small hole from the origin of where you twisted the hair. You can take a fake flower or decorative butterfly, as I did below, and connect it to some wire, which can then be stuffed through the hole in the middle of the bun. 
5. Finally, you should have an easy bun, with some flare in the back!
Post a picture of your version of the Butterfly Bun in the comments below! 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Shoe Haul! (And One Bag)

These are my brand-spanking new red Converse and I think I'm in love! They are so classic and vintage; I can't wait to include them in a new post. More to come!  :D

These babies below are a beautiful pair of brown sandals that were given to me. To the original owner, they rubbed against her feet, but they feel excellent to me and I am super glad that I will be able to add them to my closet! Pairings with these will definitely be coming before summer ends! I also love how comfortable they are in spite of the two inch wedges. Hallelujah for summer fashion!

Below are some new boots I got from the brand Fergalicious. They aren't my favorite, because I like my boots to have more detail and all these have are some shiny baubles hanging off the back, but they're great staple pieces. They're never going to be the focus of the outfit, but the classic knee-high black boots are always a great accessory to have!

Last, but certainly not least, is a new bag that was given to me. It's slightly unorthodox, so it should be an interesting experience to find things to pair it with!
And as always, are there any requests for any kind of pairing or themed outfit? Let me know in the comments! 

The Perfect Interview Outfit!

In the picture above I'm wearing a beautiful dress I picked 
up in Vegas at one of those side stores 
they have in malls. I paired it with a classic
 blazer alongside a few silver rings and a 
Boho themed bracelet. To finish off the look, I
 added some red sandals with small heels so that 
you look stylish, polished, and fun, while 
still pulling off a professional look that's great for work 
or interviews!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Testing! Testing!

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